Unveiling the Average American Retirement Savings by Age Group

Scarlett Hayes
5 Min Read
Average American Retirement Savings

Retirement savings are a critical aspect of financial planning, yet they vary significantly across different age groups in America. Understanding these variations can provide valuable insights into how individuals prepare for their golden years. This article delves into the average American retirement savings by age group, offering a comprehensive overview to help you gauge where you stand and plan accordingly.

Average American Retirement Savings Across Different Age Groups

Retirement savings are a critical aspect of financial planning, yet they vary significantly across different age groups in the United States. The 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances provides valuable insights into these savings patterns, highlighting both average and median balances across various age brackets.

Average Retirement Savings Balance by Age

According to the Federal Reserve Board’s 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances, the average retirement savings for all families in the United States is approximately $333,940. Here’s a breakdown of average retirement savings by age group:

  • Under 35: $49,130
  • 35-44: $141,520
  • 45-54: $313,220
  • 55-64: $537,560
  • 65-74: $609,230
  • 75 and older: $462,410

These figures reflect accumulated savings across different stages of life, showing a significant increase in savings as individuals approach and enter retirement age.

Median Retirement Savings Balance by Age

While averages provide a general picture, median balances offer a clearer view of what most families have saved, excluding extreme values that can skew averages:

  • Under 35: $18,880
  • 35-44: $45,000
  • 45-54: $115,000
  • 55-64: $185,000
  • 65-74: $200,000
  • 75 and older: $130,000

The median balances indicate that a large portion of families have savings below the average, underscoring the challenges many face in accumulating sufficient retirement funds.

Implications and Considerations

It’s crucial to interpret these figures in the context of broader financial planning:

  1. Income and Demographic Factors: Income levels significantly influence retirement savings, with disparities evident among different racial and ethnic groups.
  2. Planning and Preparation: Effective retirement planning involves setting realistic savings goals early in one’s career to achieve financial security later in life.
  3. Longevity and Healthcare Costs: Longer life expectancies and rising healthcare expenses emphasize the need for robust retirement savings.
  4. Systemic Inequities: Addressing systemic barriers is essential to improving retirement outcomes for historically underserved communities.


Understanding the average American retirement savings by age group provides a clear picture of how different generations prepare for retirement. Whether you’re just starting your career or nearing retirement, these insights underscore the importance of proactive financial planning and savings habits. By aligning your savings strategy with your age-specific needs and goals, you can better navigate the path towards a secure and fulfilling retirement.

What is considered a good amount of retirement savings for my age?

The amount considered adequate for retirement savings varies by age and individual circumstances. As a guideline, financial experts suggest having saved multiples of your annual income by certain ages. For instance, by age 30, aiming for savings equivalent to one year’s income, and by age 60, aiming for savings around eight times your income can provide a benchmark. However, personal financial goals and retirement plans should also be considered when determining what is sufficient.

How do average and median retirement savings differ?

Average retirement savings are calculated by adding up all savings and dividing by the number of savers, which can be skewed by extremely high or low balances. Median savings represent the middle value when all savings are ordered from smallest to largest, providing a more typical representation of what most people have saved. Understanding both average and median balances can give a clearer picture of retirement savings trends.

What are some practical steps to increase my retirement savings?

Increasing retirement savings can be achieved through several strategies:
1. Start saving early to benefit from compound interest over time.
2. Maximize contributions to retirement accounts such as 401(k)s or IRAs, taking advantage of any employer matching contributions.
3. Review and adjust investments periodically to balance risk and growth potential.
4. Consider diversifying investments to spread risk and potentially increase returns.
5. Work with a financial advisor to develop a personalized retirement savings plan aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

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Scarlett is a celebrated author known for her evocative prose and richly textured narratives. Born and raised in a quaint coastal town, Scarlett love for storytelling was nurtured by the rhythmic sounds of the ocean and the vibrant stories shared by the local fishermen. She pursued her passion for literature at the University of Cambridge, where she earned a degree in English Literature.
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